New Prosperity Gold-Copper Mine Project
Proposed New Prosperity Gold-Copper Mine Project
The Project
Taseko Mines Ltd. proposed the construction and operation of a large open pit gold-copper mine development, approximately 125 km southwest of Williams Lake, B.C.
The Review Process – New Prosperity Project (2013)
The Review Panel, Bill Ross (Panel Chair), George Kupfer and Ron Smyth (Members) was appointed in May 2012 by the Minister of the Environment to conduct an assessment of the New Prosperity project. In addition to written submissions, a public hearing permitted the Panel to receive and question information and views provided by the participants. The Panel held a public hearing from July 22 to August 23, 2013 in the project area. Participants who provided submissions or made presentations to the Panel included the proponent, First Nations, federal, provincial and local governments, environmental groups, individuals and organizations. The Panel released its report on October 31, 2013.
The Review Panel in its report concluded that the New Prosperity Mine is likely to cause:
- significant adverse effects on water quality and fish and fish habitat;
- significant adverse effects on the current use of lands and resources for traditional purposes by certain Aboriginal groups, on their cultural heritage and on their archeological and historical resources;
- significant adverse effects on wetland and riparian (interface between land and a river or stream) ecosystems; and
- significant adverse cumulative effects on the regional grizzly and moose populations, unless necessary mitigation measures are effectively implemented.
The Panel's mandate is governed by the requirements of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 2012 and the Panel's Terms of Reference.
Environmental assessment documents for the New Prosperity project are available in the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry at
Document reference number: 1185