Archived - Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre (CMTC) Opposing Force (OPFOR) Facility

Wainwright Regional Training Area (AB)

Reasons for a Federal Assessment
Project Description
Final Decision

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Reference Numbers

Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry: 07-01-32878
Department of National Defence: 1267‑0168‑05‑08

Environmental Assessment Type


Responsible or Regulated Authorities

Department of National Defence

Reasons for a Federal Assessment

On February 5, 2007, it was determined that an environmental assessment was required in relation to the project because Department of National Defence was the proponent for the project.

Project Description (as posted in the Notice of Commencement)

The Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre (CMTC) will be increasing the current military training that occurs at Canadian Forces Base/Area Support Unit (CFB/ASU) Wainwright. CMTC will strengthen training systems and improve combat readiness by providing realistic force-on-force training. CMTC Opposition Forces (OPFOR) will be providing the opposition forces for the realistic training activities.

The Department of National Defence (DND) has purchased and proposes to use the Ex-British infrastructure (B433, B439, B454, B463, B600), for the OPFOR Facility. DND plans to complete major modifications and renovations to B433, construct a new facility as a headquarters building, a new vehicle shelter building and parking areas for personally owned motor vehicles and civilian military pattern vehicles to make a suitable facility for the operations and training of the OPFOR.

The main OPFOR building 433 with a gross area of 1,611m² will undergo renovations to the existing interior spaces, including the addition of one overhead door and other alterations to provide functional space for the echelon (support logistics), storage areas, vehicle servicing area and common areas.

A new one-storey headquarters (HQ) building for OPFOR will be constructed west of B433 with an approximate building footprint of 2,600m². The HQ building will contain unit administration, planning and training functions including locker space. The HQ building will provide spaces for OPFOR personnel including HQ, OPS Centre, Infantry Company, Tank Troop, Reconnaissance (RECCE) Troop, Command Support, ENGR Troop, as well as training areas (classrooms and storage areas) and common areas (lunchroom, lockers, washrooms, etc).

South of the new HQ building, a pre-engineered Vehicle Shelter, B676 approximately 2,159 m² will be constructed to store the Leopard tanks. The vehicle shelter will house 16 vehicle bays, an office area, a storage area and washroom facilities. This facility will have minimal heat and house the tanks, protecting the equipment from extreme weather conditions and provide an area for staff operations.

Part of the OPFOR project includes the construction of an access road parallel to White Route to the propose vehicle shelter. This route will provide a direct route to the training area and reduce the traffic on the main Base Roads in the area (White Route and Gurkhali Road). Vehicle parking will also be developed throughout the project site. A Personally Owned Motor Vehicles (POMV) parking area will be constructed of asphalt at the corner of White Route and Gunner Road for 100 vehicles with an approximate footprint of 3,127 m². Two asphalt parking areas are proposed to be constructed for the Civilian Pattern Military Vehicles (CPMV). One area is south of the vehicle shelter, east of White Route and is for 83 CMPV vehicles with an approximate size of 4,084 m². The other CPMV parking area is also for 83 vehicles and is approximately 2,387 m². This parking area will be constructed east of the OPFOR site, where a sprung shelter used by the Vehicle Maintenance Facility currently exists. The expansion will be an asphalt surface and allow additional area for staging and manoeuvring. This parking lot will be constructed once the addition to the Vehicle Maintenance Facility occurs and this space is no longer required for storage.

In order to provide appropriate manoeuvring space for the OPFOR vehicles, the existing fence line south of B433 will be moved south approximately 10 m to provide this additional space requirement.

Once construction of the OPFOR Facility is completed it will contain B433, a new HQ building, vehicle shelter B676 and the existing B600, B439, B463, and B454, with additional parking areas for POMV and CPMV. The entire complex will be fenced to form a secure perimeter except for the POMV parking area.

Project Schedule: Construction of the OPFOR Facility is tentatively scheduled to commence in August of 2008. All building and site construction for the facility would potentially be completed by August 2010, with full occupancy occurring in the Fall of 2009 or Spring of 2010.

Project Location: CFB/ASU Wainwright is located in east central Alberta (52º209N 110º479W), approximately 200 km southeast of the City of Edmonton, Alberta and approximately 105 km southwest of the City of Lloydminster. CFB/ASU Wainwright spans approximately 60,560 hectares (606 km²). Approximately 7,655 hectares (77 km²) is owned by the federal government under DND jurisdiction and the remaining 52,904 hectares (529 km²) is owned by the provincial government and is leased by DND. The Base is situated southwest of the Town of Wainwright and is the primary training area for Canadian Forces.

The proposed site for the OPFOR Facility is the previously owned British Compound on the southern end of the administration area of the Base. The facility is located east of White Route, south of Gunner Road. The expanded OPFOR compound extends from White Route to Mechanic Road and south from B433 to just north of Gurkhali Road where the LAV III Storage/Kitting Buildings are currently being constructed.

Final Decision

A decision was taken on February 20, 2008 and was that the authority may exercise any power or perform any duty or function with respect to the project because, after taking into consideration the screening report and taking into account the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures, the authority is of the opinion that the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.